Let’s Talk, Let’s Play
By Jane Winslow Eliot
AWSNA Publications
The author moves with ease and confidence on how to teach young children in poetry, song, and play. She explains both why and how archetypal games grow out of the nature of children and language.
History of Western Railroads
By Jane Winslow Eliot
Bison Books 1985
A spectacular pictorial history of the railroad and how it contributed to the development of the Wild West. This beautifully written hardcover illustrated book includes the Santa Fe Super chief, the Great Northern’s Empire Builder, and more, with vintage art and photos, maps of rail routes and their development. Over 50 b&w photographs and 100 in color.
The Soul of Color
By Jane Winslow Eliot
Spiral Press 1983
Perhaps in your physics classes you probably learned about the mechanics of color: wave lengths, the spectrum, and so forth. But to have fun with your children while learning about color, you’ll want to know something more direct, immediate, and closer to personal experience. Something more real about color.
If you already know how to paint, this book by Waldorf educator, homeschooling mother, and writer will introduce you to some new experiences in color which you can happily share with your children. If you do not already know how to use watercolors, you are about to be overjoyed.