Around the World by MistakeAround the World by Mistake
Booklocker 2008

In 1963 Jane Winslow Eliot and her husband, Alexander Eliot, took their seven- and eight-year-old children on a freighter voyage from Yugoslavia to Japan. Their purpose was to inspire their children to regard the world as their home, and people from every country their friends.

What happened on that journey was not what they expected, not at first.

Beyond Measure
A Cookbook for People Who Think They Can’t Cook

Telamachus Press 2010

With quick-witted optimism, kindness, and wisdom, Jane Winslow Eliot once again invites us to join her on a freewheeling, spontaneous journey, this time through her kitchen, where she shows us how to trust our own instincts as cooks. In Beyond Measure, she guides us through a world of taste, mistakes, anecdotes, insights, and delicious ways of thinking about and preparing food.

As in all her books, she teaches us to test truth against our own experiences.

Let's Talk, Let's Play - Jane EliotLet’s Talk, Let’s Play
AWSNA Publications 1993

The author moves with ease and confidence on how to teach young children in poetry, song, and play.

She explains both why and how archetypal games grow out of the nature of children and language.

SANTA CLAUS'S SECRET NAMESanta Claus’s Secret Name
Booklocker 2009

Santa Claus really does exist!

In this guessing-game book to be read aloud and played together, parents and children will find out who Santa Claus really is. And the answer is NOT who you might think!

When Jane Winslow Eliot’s children were little she had to face the moment of truth when they came to her with the accusing words: “We just found out that Santa Claus doesn’t exist!”

Her heart sank as she faced this critical moment. Would cynicism set in at such a young age? Would parental betrayal be the overarching memory they would have of Christmas for the rest of their lives?

She knew she could back peddle, or she could apologize, or try to turn the lesson into a metaphor for holiday spirit.

Instead she replied, “You’re wrong. Santa does exist. And I’ll prove it to you.”

In 1963 Jane Winslow Eliot and her husband, Alexander Eliot, took their seven- and eight-year-old children on a freighter voyage from Yugoslavia to Japan. Their purpose was to inspire their children to regard the world as their home, and people from every country their friends.

What happened on that journey was not what they expected, not at first.

History of Western Railroads
Bison Books 1985

A spectacular pictorial history of the railroad and how it contributed to the development of the Wild West. This beautifully written hardcover illustrated book includes the Santa Fe Super chief, the Great Northern’s Empire Builder, and more, with vintage art and photos, maps of rail routes and their development. Over 50 b&w photographs and 100 in color.

The Soul of Color
Spiral Press 1983

Perhaps in your physics classes you probably learned about the mechanics of color: wave lengths, the spectrum, and so forth. But to have fun with your children while learning about color, you’ll want to know something more direct, immediate, and closer to personal experience. Something more real about color.

If you already know how to paint, this book by Waldorf educator, homeschooling mother, and writer will introduce you to some new experiences in color which you can happily share with your children. If you do not already know how to use watercolors, you are about to be overjoyed.

Sharing Poetry With Your Children
Spiral Press 1985